Cutomer Reminders

Rules and Regulations of Uni Arcade Funland:

    First and foremost  if it's your first time at uni arcade funland, I want you to have some times to read and understand the rules and regulation to be followed. Uni arcade staff will assist you if you seek for assistance or difficulties regarding how the machine work along the way he or she will assist you until you're satisfied.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Children below 12 years old are not allowed in the premises unless accompanied by parents or guardians.
  • Student wearing school uniform are strictly not allowed to enter the premises.
  • No outside foods and drinks are allowed in the premises.
  • Smoking is also not allowed in the premises.

Please  secure all loose items such as wallets,keys,spectacles, hand phones or any other valuable items before going on the ride.

Please do not leave your belongings UNATTENDED.

Uni Arcade Funland will not be held responsible or liable for any loss or injuries within the center and the ride premises.

We would like to inform our visitors and parents to please accompanied your kids to avoid and injuries or accident inside the premises.

Important Reminders,

  Any person below the age of 18 years, smoke,buys or has in his possession, whether for his own use or not, any tobacco product is, is guilty of an offense and liable on conviction to a fine now exceeding $500 and in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $1,000 section 10(1). Smoking in Brunei is prohibited in all enclosed public and work places. Other nonsmoking areas include sidewalks near business premises and within a six meter radius of smoke-free buildings, as well as all means of public transport.

Uni arcade funland establishment is controlled by cctv camera's 24/7. Any one caught damaging the properties and or making trouble inside the premises will face legal charges from the compny. If you need assistance please don't hesitated to ask our friendly crew.

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